20th Blog Is anybody reading this?

Gepubliceerd op 13 maart 2024 om 18:41

Hi there, I know it’s been a while since I posted something.

But I’m here now 😊 So let’s do this.


The last couple of months have been very busy. Hardly had any time for my lovely shop Avallyn.


But now I’m back.


Tomorrow my sister and I will be going to Bergen, Norway for Battle in Line. Competing and having a lot of fun with my dance family.

I spend a lot of time training, and wondering if it's going to pay off, haha. Probably not. Usually I am too nervous to get it right, but that doesn't mean that I am not going to try.


And I am really looking forward to The Dutch Dance Explosion in April. It's going to be great. I will be there with my shop aswell. So if you are comming....bring your wallets :)



I was wondering, is anybody actually reading my blogs.. Or am I just filling space and thinking that I am funny?

Is there anything you like me to blog about? Should I blog more about developing products or my travels.

Let me know.


See you out there






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een jaar geleden

Ja, hoor. Ik lees ze... tenminste, als ik ze op fb op mijn tijdlijn voorbij zie komen. (Wat niet altijd het geval is.)