OMG I love Autumn. The days get shorter, the leaves are falling, the world changes color, from beautiful green to A-MA-ZING red. Time to get some candles and drink some hot coco under your blanky. I know it has been a month sinds you’ve heard form me. But it’s been a crazy, busy time. Between my day job, dance training, and a whole lot of other obligations I just couldn’t fint the time. I’m sorry…….
But now I am back. My website was showing signs that it was getting emty, so I ordered a few things, and then a bit more...and more….and more, hahaha.
And I have been working towards something completely new. But more about that very soon. Can't wait to let you all know what I have in store for you. Promiss that all will be revealed really soon.
So for now enjoy the falling of the leaves and see you soon.
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