18th Blog Winter is coming

Gepubliceerd op 8 november 2023 om 21:21

November is here. That means...... Winter is coming, hahaha. Sorry, couldn't resist.


For me, that means when I leave home to go to work, it's dark. And when I come home from work, it is dark as well.

And it's cold, really cold, well for me anyway ... I'm always cold.


So, time to light the candles and lounge in my chair with a warm blanket and a cup of hot tea.


It is also a very busy month for me. November 17th is off to the Belgian Championships. And Wednesday the 29th we will be going to Switzerland, GOLD WORLDS Championships. Really looking forward to both events. I will keep you updated in the next weeks. Wish me luck.


As always it will be great to see all my dance friends and family again, and maybe make some new friends.


And because Color Street is an American company, they are in the Christmas spirit already, woehooo.

For those who know me, I LOVE EVERYTHING CHRISTMAS. Hahaha.


I've already bought my Christmas sets, how about you?

If you order any sets online, it wil take a less than a week to arrive at your house.



If you would like to order, please use this link: https://www.colorstreet.com/beautybyavallyn/products


Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1970715816627713

This group is in English.


Sluit je gezellig aan bij mijn Facebook groep: https://www.facebook.com/groups/694552322552409

Deze groep is in het Nederlands.

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