My first blog, woehoo

Gepubliceerd op 16 oktober 2022 om 16:57

Today October the 16th 2022. My first blog.


People told me I should start a blog, great idea!.........then immediately my mind wend blank, haha.

What am I going to blog about?


Let’s just start at the beginning.  Well sort of, I don’t want to bore you with my birth and life stories.

But I will start with my mom.

My mom has always been a creative mastermind, everything that she sees, she can make.

This meant that when my sister and I grew up, there were always a lot of unique presents for people, and even now, people still turn to us if they want or need something special/different.

My mom had a store with everything you could imagine you ever need to do arts & crafts.


We grew up helping her in the store and with making jewelry, 3D-cards, trees made from beads end everything that you can think of.

For me it has always been a hobby and I never had any plans to do anything more with it.

But the older I got, the more I wanted to make my own jewelry and presents and in the process try to make other people happy, and maybe make it all a little bit more accessible for everyone.


And now, I have my own (web) store. I sell jewelry, presents and the stuff you need to make it. My mom and sister help me out whenever I need it.


So now for this blog.

With this blog I will try to keep you updated about everything that has to do with Avallyn. Where I'm going, what I am making and everything in between.


At this moment I am trying to make all sorts of jewelry for competition (Line) dancers. From bracelets to the things you can put in your hair. From the design to the finished product it is all a big puzzle. One that I enjoy to do and when it is all done, I hope you all will like it as well.


For now, I leave you with some pictures of my past struggles…urm I mean, my amazing development pictures. The phonecase is a new project, just for me. 






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